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H. H. Srimad Sudhindra Thirtha Swamiji during his visit to Kochi TTD gave a speech. The gist of same, as is possible to translate by a layman, is given below:

“The young generation is moving away from spirituality. My childhood was different then. “Easwara Bhakti” (devotion) was a companion then. We used to go to temple daily and pray. Now-a-days people prefer for materialistic requirements and possessions, which are perishable.

The Soul is the Object and Life is the reflection of it. The life is under the guidance and influence of the Soul (object). We should know that the body exists along with the soul. Therefore we should strive to uplift the soul and for that there should be some sort of prayer. When we pray, God returns the same by way of peace of mind. If you give you will get it back in manifold, like when we sow the seed the paddy field return the same in multitude. We do not feed the field with the seeds, but the paddy field after some days returns the same in multiples of what we sow.

Now-a-days more preference is given to sports at educational institutions. We are not against that, but unless properly directed, it would not compel us to do any thing. We should try to be nearer to God. Because the habits we cultivate at the childhood will last longer, therefore the parents should take adequate and corrective steps at young age of the children.

In life we should think and act properly, so that we can live together a harmonious life without quarrel. Kindness comes from the soul. Nobody would hurt anybody who is kind to all. Kindness should go together with sacrifice. If anybody asks about your well being do not reply that you are always in sorrow. Even if it so, you should be able to say that every thing is fine with you. Peace of mind is obtained when you do penance for any wrongdoing. We should try to get that peace of mind. Lack of God’s Blessing is reason for all quarrel and arguments. Every one should realize that all things are possible only by the grace of God. If we live without praying to God then what is the difference between human beings and animals”?

Courtesy: Malayala Manorama Daily.

1 comment

Unknown said...

After a long time, I have just had a look at the SVSS Coimbatore's website and your blog, today.
You have done a great job by placing the Summary of HH Swamiji's Speech at Cochin and photos of His Holiness taken at the CBE temple site. Well done!
Try updating the SVSSCbe webside by placing the latest appeals on Prathista programmes also. Atleast viewers will get some idea of the Prathista which will be performed on 7th May 2008. Hope, you can do it. Regards Sreekumar S Mallaya /Coimbatore