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Swargalok/Heaven as per Hindu Mythology

According to hindu mythology, the concept of Swarga (heaven) is that it is a temporary place for enjoying the fruits of good actions committed on Earth. The ultimate goal is "Moksha" (supreme salvation) that every soul wants. Swarga is said to be inhabited by Devas (Gods), who are believed to be the children of Rishi Kashyapa and his wife Aditi. 

Indra (the God of thunder and lightning), is the king of Swarga. The other devas residing there include Varuna (the God of the oceans), Agni (the God of fire), Kubera (the treasurer of the Gods), Yamaraja, or Dharma (the lord of righteousness and death), Surya (the sun God), Chandra (the moon God), and Kamadeva (the God of love).

Via: Srikant Rawas, Email

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