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Sri Satyanarayana Vrata

The Satyanarayana Vrata is a Hindu religious observance. It is a ritual performed by devotees on any major occasion like marriage, house warming ceremony etc. It can also be performed on any day for any reason. It finds first mention in Skanda Purana. 

The Satyanarayana Puja is usually done on the Full Moon (Purnima) day of every month or any day you wish to do it. It is also done on special occasions and during times of achievements as an offering of gratitude to the Lord Vishnu. In addition, it is said that a devotional performance of this puja will bear children to couples trying to start a family.

Satyanarayana Rituals:
  1. The Satyanarayana Puja is unique in that it does not require a Brahmin to perform.
  2. The Satyanarayana Puja is usually done on the Pournami day of every month (full moon day), ekadasi (11th day after full moon or new moon), kartheeka paurnami, vaisakha paurnami, solar eclipse day or on Sankranti except during Ashada masam.
  3. It is also done on special occasions and during times of achievements as an offering of gratitude to the Lord. These occasions include marriage, graduation, new job, and the purchase of a new home to name a few.
  4. In addition, it is said that a devotional performance of this puja will bear children to couples trying to start a family.


A painting of Narayana (Vishnu) seated on lotus

The puja starts by a prayer to Lord Ganesha, to remove all obstacles that may occur as a result of incorrectly performing the puja. This is done by chanting all the names of Lord Ganesha and offering prasad (a food offering, usually consisting of one of Lord Ganesha’s favorite foods - modak, a sugar and coconut mixture, or laddu) and the showering of flower petals.

Another part of the prayer involves a prayer to the Navagraha’s - the nine important celestial beings in the universe. They consist of Surya (the Sun), Chandra (the moon), Angaaraka/Chevaai (Mars), Budha (Mercury), Guru aka Brahaspati (Jupiter), Shukra (Venus), Sani (Saturn), Rahu (the head of the Demon snake), and Ketu (the tail of the Demon snake).

The rest of the puja consists of worship to Satyanarayana, an extremely benevolent form of Lord Vishnu. First "panchamritam" is used to clean the place where the deity is placed. After placing the deity in the correct position, Satyanarayana swami is worshipped. Names of Satyanarayana are chanted along with offering of a variety of prasad (including a mixture of milk, honey, ghee/butter, yogurt, sugar) and flower petals.

Another requirement of the puja is that the story of the puja be heard among all those observing and partaking in the puja. The story involves the origin of the puja, the benefits of it, and the potential mishaps that may occur with the forgetting performance of the puja.

The prayer concludes with an Aarti, which consists of revolving a small fire-lit-lamp in the vicinity of an image of the Lord. After the puja is over, participants and observers of the puja are required to ingest in the prasad that was offered and blessed by the Lord.

Puja (Prayer) Vidhi (performing method):

The Satyanarayana Puja is performed in reverence to the Narayan form of Lord Vishnu. The Lord in this form is considered an embodiment of truth. 

Performing this puja in the evening is considered more appropriate. However, one can do it in the morning as well. On the day of the puja, the devotee has to fast. After bathing the person can begin the puja.

Materials needed for the Satyanarayana Rituals:

Satyanarayana Puja preparation ‘Sinni’:

A special type of food offering, which is prepared by mixing un-boiled milk, flour, sugar, smashed bananas, and other flavors like cinnamon etc., or optional garnishing like groundnuts, cashews, cherries, crushed coconuts/fruits etc.

  1. Kumkum powder, turmeric powder, rangoli
  2. Incense sticks, camphor.
  3. Thirty betel leaves, thirty betel nuts, two coconuts.
  4. Five almonds,
  5. Flowers to offer
  6. One thousand tulsi leaves; banana tree as a canopy
  7. One square shaped wooden platform
  8. Two copper jars, two plates.
  9. One shawl
  10. A mixture of milk, curd, honey, sugar, ghee to make the panchamritam, Sandal paste.
  11. Akshad (rice grains) with turmeric powder.
  12. Attar, Indian perfume.
  13. Two flower garlands, conch shell, bell, a cloth, a ghee lamp and an oil lamp.
  14. 1 kg of raw rice
  15. 1 kg of sajjige as prasadam
  16. 6 numbers of coconuts after completing each katha.

Via: Email

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