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Suicide - Astrological Analysis (Atma hatya)

Suicide is the act of intentionally causing one's own death. Suicide is often committed out of despair, the cause of which is attributed to a mental disorder such as depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, alcoholism, or drug abuse. Stress factors such as financial difficulties or troubles with interpersonal relationships often play a significant role.

We will see what are the factors in a horoscope that lead a person to commit suicide.  

One thing is sure that a person will commit suicide only at a time when he is extremely depressed and unhappy. Lot of negative thoughts would be roaming around his mind. Let us now put this in astrological terms. 

Fourth House: is called sukh sthan i.e. comfort house. If there are afflictions to this house, native will not be happy and comfortable. Malefic planets like Mars, Saturn (Karaka of Sorrow), Rahu in this house cause great damage. If the lord of fourth house is also afflicted, it may be a big factor in the native going into depression. 

Weak Lagnesh: If Lagnesh is weak, the overall personality of the native may be pessimistic and negative.  

Moon: Moon is the karaka of mind. If Moon is afflicted, the person becomes negative. Worries and anxieties keep bothering him. 

Fifth House: Fifth house represent chitta i.e. our inner self. It shows how much harmony we have within ourselves. If this is afflicted the person may become insane.  

Trik Bhavas: 6th, 8th and 12th houses represent depression, anxiety, extreme anguish, debts, enemies, death etc. so they will also play an important part in bringing the person to the edge of death.

Via: Srikant Rawas, Email

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